Corporate Governance and Planning

Work Health and Safety Statement

Corporate Governance Statement

This Statement sets out the NSW Rural Fire Service's (NSW RFS) commitment to corporate governance. It identifies the processes in place which contribute to the governance framework within which the NSW RFS undertakes its governance responsibilities and supports volunteer members of the Service. This commitment to corporate governance also supports the NSW RFS' operational emergency management arrangements.

Organisational Chart

Organisational Risk Management Framework

The NSW RFS ORM Framework is the set of organisational components that provide the foundation and organisational arrangements for designing, implementing, monitoring and continually improving the effectiveness of risk management. This includes policy, plans, relationships, accountabilities and processes.

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One NSW RFS Communication and Engagement Strategy

The One NSW RFS Communication and Engagement Strategy was developed by theCorporate Communications Group in consultation with members through workshops, volunteer forumsand committees, and quantitative and qualitative interviews and surveys.It outlines our communication and engagement principles, key messages and current activitiesand provides a communication and engagement framework, including strategic objectives, initiativesand strategic outcomes, to ensure we are all focusing our energies in the same direction.

2019 - 2024 NSW RFS Strategic Direction: Our Plan

The NSW RFS Strategic Direction 2019-24, more fittingly named Our Plan, was launched in September 2019. It was developed after extensive consultation, collaboration and feedback from our leaders and other stakeholders. Our Plan provides a clear direction for the NSW RFS, enabling us to achieve our vision and purpose. Every member of the Service has a valuable contribution to Our Plan. By working together, we will be able to focus on projects that will link to the four pillars and

Statement of Business Ethics

This NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) Statement of Business Ethics sets out the expectations of the Service and details the mutual obligations, roles and constraints for all stakeholders engaged in our business activities. This NSW RFS Statement of Business Ethics gives guidance to our commercial partners and suppliers on expected behaviours. All individuals and organisations that deal with NSW RFS should adhere to these standards of ethical behaviour as NSW RFS is committed to promoting integrity, ethical conduct and

NSW PSC Behaving Ethically

The Government Sector Employment Act 2013 establishes a legal requirement for all people employed in the government sector (including volunteers) – to act ethically and in the public interest. Behaving Ethically: A guide for NSW Government Sector Employees published by the NSW Public Service Commission assists employees to understand their obligation to act ethically.

Health and Fitness Initiatives Plan 2016 - 2021

This Health and Fitness Initiatives Plan has a five year implementation period. It defines outcomes supporting and promoting the health and fitness of members, to enhance their own wellbeing and the capability of the NSW RFS to provide fire and emergency services to the community.The Health and Fitness Initiatives Plan is linked to the NSW RFS Corporate Plan through Key Focus Area 4 ‘Our Members’ and associated objectives.

Next Generation Workforce Plan 2016 - 2021

This Next Generation Workforce Plan identifies the outcomes that are important to the NSW Rural Fire Services capacity to meet the workforce challenges, both volunteer and staff, of coming decades, with a specific focus on the next five years.The Next Generation Workforce Plan is linked to the NSW RFS Corporate Plan through the Key Focus Area 4 ‘Our Members’ and associated objectives.Our members comprise 73,162 volunteers and 884 staff that collaborate to deliver community-based fire and emergency services as at

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