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Plan and prepare

Bush fire survival plan
Getting ready for a bush fire is easier than you think. Make a bush fire survival plan so you know what you will do if there’s a fire near you.

Know your risk
If you live even close to bushland, you're at risk of bush fire. Bushland can also mean areas such as scrub, grassland, crops, woodland and farmland.

Prepare your home
A well prepared home is more likely to survive a bush fire. Even if your plan is to leave early, the more you prepare your home, the more likely it will be to survive a bush fire or ember attack.

Prepare yourself and family
Preparation isn't just about cleaning up around the house and having a plan. It's also about making sure you consider your physical, mental and emotional preparedness.

Fire Danger Ratings
The Bush Fire Danger Ratings give you an indication of the possible consequences of a fire, if one was to start. Use them as your trigger for action.

Alert Levels
During a bush fire, Alert Levels are used to give you an indication of the level of threat from a fire. Remember – don't wait for a warning. Some fires start and spread so quickly there may not be any time for a warning.

Neighbourhood Safer Places
Neighbourhood Safer Places are a place of last resort during a bush fire. They can be used if all other options in your bush fire survival plan can't be put into action.

Building on bush fire prone land
Living with the bush is part of life in Australia - but so is living with bush fire. If you're in a bush fire prone area, you can reduce the risk to your home to make it safer for you and your family.

Travelling in a bush fire area
If you're travelling across the bush fire season, you could be affected by a fire. Bush and grass fires often cross roads and highways and smoke can reduce visibility. Make sure you have all the information you will need to keep safe.

Managing bush fire risk
Information about the risk management planning process in NSW, and local Bush Fire Risk Management Plans.

Home fire safety
House fires can happen at any time of the year. Just like bush or grass fires, the key to surviving a fire that starts inside your home is being prepared.

10/50 vegetation clearing
New laws are being finalised to help you better prepare your property for bush fires

Farm fire safety
Fire is a part of life on the land. While it can be a useful tool on farms, fire can also be dangerous, destroying homes, livestock, machinery and equipment, crops and livelihoods.

Fire Trails
Fire trails are an important part of ensuring firefighters can access fires and safely contain them. They are also used to assist with management of bush fire risk across the landscape.
- Bush fire survival plan
- Know your risk
- Prepare your home
- Prepare yourself and family
- Fire Danger Ratings
- Alert Levels
- Neighbourhood Safer Places
- Building on bush fire prone land
- Travelling in a bush fire area
- Managing bush fire risk
- Home fire safety
- 10/50 vegetation clearing
- Rural Boundary Clearing Tool
- Farm fire safety
- Fire Trails
- Static Water Supply (SWS)