Building on bush fire prone land
This part of the website provides information on bush fire protection, assessment and the legal framework that governs the planning process for proposed developments on bush fire prone land in NSW. Information in this section is relevant to homeowners, developers, planners, councils and other government organisations.
Bush fires are a natural part of our Australian landscape. Many native Australian plants are adapted to fire and some require fire to reproduce and stay healthy. First Nations peoples have used fire over tens of thousands of years to manage land, plants and animals. However, bush fires present a threat to our built environment and communities. Therefore, any proposed development on land that is designated as bush fire prone (on a map certified by the Commissioner of the RFS) have a legal obligation to consider bush fire and meet the relevant specifications and requirements of Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2019 (PBP). To determine if you are located on bush fire prone land, use our tool, or the NSW Planning Portal.
Planning for Bush Fire Protection
PBP is a statutory document produced by the RFS that contains the specifications and requirements for building on bushfire prone land. The current legislated version was adopted in the Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulations on 1 March 2020 and is titled PBP 2019 .
More information on PBP and Addendums can be found on this page.
Update to PBP
The RFS is committed to ensuring that PBP continues to function effectively within the NSW planning system and integrates the latest advancements in fire science, research, and best practices, while also reflecting lessons learned from recent fire events. As such, the RFS undertakes five-yearly reviews of PBP. This review process is currently underway.
For more information about the review process and its current progress, please visit this page.
If you have any questions about PBP, please email
NSW RFS Short Term Rental Agreement Information Release
For information on the provisions relating to Short Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) located on bush fire prone land, please click on the on this information release NSW RFS Short Term Rental Agreement.
Where can I find out more?
If you are a resident looking to build or renovate, you work in a business, you work in council or are an industry professional who wants guidance, you can use the process by pressing the Get Started button below to find out more about PBP and the development process.