RSS Feeds

RSS feeds allow you to receive updates from the NSW Rural Fire Service, including summaries and web content with links to the full article on the NSW RFS website.

RSS feed information should be used in conjunction with primary communication sources, such as radio and tv reports, and common sense when evaluating your personal safety.

For current information about fire safety and Major Fire Update messages please check the NSW RFS website regularly at

Major Fire Updates Feed

This feed contains a summary update for major fires burning in NSW. Click through from the feed to the NSW RFS website for full details of the update.

Current Incidents Feed (GeoRSS)

This feed contains a list of current incidents from the NSW RFS, and includes GeoRSS data and Major Fire Update summary information where available. Click through from the feed to the NSW RFS website for full details of the update.

Fire Danger Ratings and Total Fire Ban Feed

This feed contains the fire danger ratings information for today and tomorrow as received from the Bureau of Meteorology as well as total fire ban information. Please note this information is provided in the format used for our website. Additional feeds of this information may be provided in the future.

Other Feeds

Current Incidents Feed (CAP)

The Common Alerting Protocol (CAP), provided by the NSW RFS, is an XML-based data format for exchanging public warnings and emergency information between alerting and warning systems. Please note: This is not an RSS feed.

The CAP is an international standard protocol for systems to exchange emergency alerts and warnings. The NSW RFS CAP feed is the is the initial and model implementation of the Common Alerting Protocol – Australia Profile.

Current Incidents Feed (GeoJSON)

This feed contains a list of current incidents from the NSW RFS, and includes location data and Major Fire Update summary information where available. Click through from the feed to the NSW RFS website for full details of the update. GeoJSON is a lightweight data standard that has emerged to support the sharing of information with location or geospatial data. It is widely supported by modern applications and mobile devices.

Information for application developers and warning republishers

The NSW RFS supports the redistribution of information and warnings by third parties, when that service contributes to assisting people make informed decisions.

We encourage those developing applications or services (including social media accounts) to review the Guideline For Warnings Republishers.

The NSW Rural Fire Service supports and encourages the reuse of its publicly funded information, and endorses the use of the Australian Governments Open Access and Licensing Framework (AusGOAL).

Creative Commons License

All NSW Rural Fire Service material on this website is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence, except as noted below.

When using feeds, please give attribution in this form:

'© State of New South Wales (NSW Rural Fire Service). For current information go to'

We also request that you observe and retain any copyright or related notices that may accompany this material as part of the attribution.


While care is taken to ensure accuracy, the NSW Rural Fire Service cannot guarantee that information contained in RSS feeds is correct and recommends that users exercise their own skill and care with respect to its use.

Although every care is taken to ensure that all information in the NSW Rural Fire Service web site is accurate and up to date, NSW Rural Fire Service cannot accept any responsibility for mistakes or omissions.  Incident spatial location (burnt area and fire origin) update times may differ from the update time of incident details.  The location of mapped incidents may be placed in the centre of the Local Government Area (LGA) until accurate spatial information is available. These incidents are titled Incident Name (Unmapped Incident).  The geographic coordinate system for the feed is World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84).  Incident information is updated every 30 minutes.

We reserve the right to prevent the distribution of NSW Rural Fire Service content.