Natural Disaster Declaration
This Operational Guideline outlines the coordination of a request for a Natural Disaster Declaration (NDD) under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) 2018.
Fundamental Protocols underpin the actions of all RFS members and must be adhered to at all times. They outline the Principles of being an RFS member and provide guidance on conduct to support the safety and wellbeing of members.
Guiding Principles
- A NDD may be considered when certain costs associated with combating an incident exceed the small disaster criterion. The incident must meet the definition of a Natural Disaster:
- A serious disruption to a community or region caused by the impact of a naturally occurring rapid onset event that threatens or causes death, injury or damage to property or the environment;
- Requires significant and coordinated multi-agency and community response; and
- Is one, or a combination of, specific listed natural disasters (of which bushfire is one).
- The following information is required for the initial notification to the NSW Reconstruction Authority (NSW RA):
- The date and time the incident started – this specifically relates to the incident and does not alter to the date/time of a section 44 (s44) declaration.
- The date and time the incident was declared ‘out’ – if known at the time of notification.
- Whether the incident is a Class 1, 2 or 3 fire.
- The date/time of s44 declaration where one exists for the incident.
- The Incident Control Online (ICON) reference number for the incident.
- The current size of the incident in hectares (Ha).
- The type of incident – bush / grass / scrub or a combination of these.
- Resources committed specifically:
- Any inter-agency requirements both Incident Management Team (IMT) and fireground crews;
- Aircraft;
- Heavy Plant; and
- Out of area resources.
- Threats associated with the incident.
- Any current losses associated with stock, property, crop, fences, machinery, etc.
Special Considerations
- A request for a NDD under the DRFA is coordinated through State Operations. The request is sent to the NSW RA who subsequently lodges the notification with the Commonwealth through NSW Treasury.
- State Operations will track approximate costs associated with combating incidents and identify any incident that will reach or exceed the threshold for DRFA assistance – a notification cannot be made purely on ‘likelihood’ that the threshold will be reached; rather it must be definite that the threshold will be reached/exceeded. Any incident identified as potentially reaching or exceeding the threshold should be notified to the Director State Operations (DSO).
- Early identification and notification of incidents requiring a NDD is essential. When a disaster occurs and the relevant State knows (or expects) the disaster to be an eligible disaster, the State must notify the Commonwealth of that fact within three months.
Related Information
Content Owner:
Emergency Management
Date Approved:
04 Nov 2024
Review Required:
04 Nov 2027
If you have any questions or feedback on Operational Doctrine, please email