Dispatch of Aviation Resources



This Operational Guideline provides guidance on the dispatch of aviation resources to provide the most cost effective and efficient provision of resources for aerial support during emergency and non-emergency operations.

Fundamental Protocols underpin the actions of all RFS members and must be adhered to at all times. They outline the Principles of being an RFS member and provide guidance on conduct to support the safety and wellbeing of members.

Guiding Principles

The RFS has access to a range of aviation resources (including aircraft, fuel trucks and other equipment), RFS owned, or on contractual arrangements through either the National Aerial Firefighting Centre (NAFC) contract or State Based Call When Needed (CWN) Standing Offer. The principle of dispatching aviation resources is as follows:

  • Where a request is made for an immediate (urgent) tasking;
    • Where an area contract exists for the type of resource requested, the area contracted resource will be dispatched immediately.
    • Where an area contract is not in place for the resource requested, the fastest response to the incident should be dispatched immediately.
  • Where a request is made for a planned tasking (non-urgent, required for a later time or date);
    • If an area based contract exists for the type of resource requested, this resource will be dispatched and retained above any other resource of the same type for all planned dispatches.
  • If an area based contract is not relevant to the area or type of resource requested, the most cost effective resource should be dispatched. All dispatch outcomes will be registered and managed through the ARENA aviation management system. Official dispatch documentation to the operator will be generated through this system.
  • When the State Air Desk (SAD) is operational, the State Air Operations Manager (SAOM) is responsible for the dispatch of aviation assets in response to official requests for aviation resources. When the SAD is not operational, the dispatch of aviation assets is vested with the State Duty Aviation Officer (SDAO).

Immediate tasking

Where a request is received for aviation resource/s for immediate (urgent) tasking, the following guidelines should be followed:

  • Where an area contract exists for the type of resource requested, the area contracted resource will be dispatched immediately.
  • Where an area contract is not in place for the resource requested, the fastest resource to the incident meeting the needs of the request should be dispatched immediately. The fastest resource to the incident includes the time taken to mobilise the resource as well as the time to transit from the current location of the resource to the incident location;
    • Priority should be given to NAFC contract resources over those on CWN arrangements where these are available within similar timeframes.
  • Where an operator cannot immediately provide the resource at the time of request in accordance with the availability data entered in ARENA, the next fastest resource to the incident is to be activated; and
  • Where there are multiple resources in the same proximity to the incident and an area contract does not apply;
    • Priority should be given to NAFC contract resources over those on CWN arrangements;
    • Where multiple resources are on the same contract or CWN status, priority should be given to those operators who can provide the fastest response of the required resource/s to the incident location; and
    • Where multiple resources equally meet the above criteria then the SAD Dispatcher must record why the applicable operator was selected in the “decision notes” area of the Airdesk dispatch module in ARENA (i.e. cost effective, fuel solution, crew support, additional capabilities at no extra cost, etc.).

Planned tasking

  • Where a request is received for aviation resource/s that are required for a planned (non-urgent, required for a later time or date) event, the following guidelines should be followed:
    • Where an area contract exists for the type of resource requested, this resource will be dispatched and retained above any other resource of the same type for all planned dispatches within the area contract boundaries. The area contract resource will be dispatched on a ‘first on, last off’ basis;
    • Where an area contract does not exist for the type of resource and/or location of the incident, the most cost effective resource (inclusive of minimum charges and all possible transit costs) should be sourced and utilised (NB: NAFC contract aircraft standing charges are excluded from cost calculations);
    • Where there are multiple resources in the same proximity (within 15 minutes or less) to the planned event;
      • Priority should be given to NAFC contract resources over those on CWN arrangements where this is cost effective to do so.
      • Where multiple resources are on the same NAFC contract or CWN status, priority should be given to the resource/s that provides the most cost effective service.
    • At a sustained incident involving multiple shifts, the Air Operations Manager (AOM) or Incident Controller (IC) will review and record the requirements for aircraft being retained each day in accordance with the RFS OPG - Aircraft retain/release.
  • Where there are multiple resources required from the one request (i.e., a combination of fixed wing, rotary wing, mixing requirements and/or fuel assets), the dispatcher is to apply the dispatch guidelines to each resource separately;
  • It is acknowledged that the tasking of aviation resources can have a range of specific requirements not covered directly in this tasking procedure. In the event the SAOM or the SDAO believes there is valid reason to initiate dispatch outside of these guidelines (including dispatching a different resource to what was requested, or a compelling reason to dispatch another aircraft in addition to the area contract aircraft), the State Duty Operations Officer (SDOO) and the Manager Aviation Operations   should be advised;
  • The reasons and approval for dispatch outside of these guidelines should be documented within the “decision notes” area of the Airdesk dispatch module in ARENA.
  • Apart from an area contract resource, the dispatch of any resource to an incident, hazard reduction or planned event does not guarantee that resource will receive any priority or claim to ongoing tasking. In the event of ongoing or sustained operations/events, dispatch of aviation assets will be continually reviewed to ensure the most cost effective, fit-for-task provision of services.
  • Where an area contract resource is activated within the boundaries of the area contract, ARENA will identify the area contract applies for the type of resource and location of the incident.
  • For all dispatches other than area contract arrangements, an ARENA check is to be completed for each dispatch and then matched to the aviation request form sent through to the SAD from the person making the request for resources. The reasons and approval should be documented within the “decision notes” area of the Airdesk dispatch module in ARENA. Requests for incidents / events not listed on Incident Control Online (ICON) are to be filed on the Aviation drive in the relevant non-ICON tasking folder and a copy sent to the requesting Agency where this is other than the RFS.

Special Considerations

  • The details of resources assigned an area contract will be programmed within ARENA.
  • The tasking of aviation personnel is not considered in this procedure. Aviation personnel requirements are managed through the SDOO, Areas/MIC or Agencies.
  • Any dispatch of aviation resources must always be supported by an appropriately approved aircraft/aviation equipment request form.
  • Where only one supplier is contracted for a specific purpose (e.g. Aerial Imaging or Large Air tanker (LAT)/Very Large Air tanker (VLAT) then an ARENA check is not required.

Related Information

Content Owner: Aviation
Date Approved: 18 Dec 2024
Review Required: 18 Dec 2027
Version: 1.0

Content Owner: Aviation
Date Approved: 18 Dec 2024
Review Required: 18 Dec 2027
Version: 1.0

If you have any questions or feedback on Operational Doctrine, please email Ops.Performance@rfs.nsw.gov.au.