State Public Information Officer
Role Description
This State Public Information Officer (SPIO) is responsible for ensuring information is effectively communicated between the State Public Information Unit (SPIU) in the State Operations Centre and Public Information Officers (PIO) within Incident Management Teams (IMTs).
Fundamental Protocols underpin the actions of all RFS members and must be adhered to at all times. They outline the Principles of being an RFS member and provide guidance on conduct to support the safety and wellbeing of members.
- The SPIO reports to the State Public Information Coordinator (SPIC) and actively manages resource requirements for Public Information Units (PIU) within IMTs.
- Liaises with the SPIC to obtain information and maintain an overview of RFS incidents.
- Facilitates the flow of information to and from PIOs. In cases where no PIO has been activated, the SPIO liaises with the relevant Major Incident Coordinator (MIC).
- Provide advice and guidance to PIOs and MICs in relation to incident public information and warnings, including Alert Levels and call to action.
- Maintain overview of Public Liaison Plans and provide advice and guidance to PIOs.
- Liaise with representatives from emergency services and functional areas within State Operations in support of PIOs and the SPIU.
- Deploys PIOs, Media Liaison Officers (MLOs) and Community Liaison Officers (CLOs) to IMTs.
- Assists with the construction and dissemination of warnings as part of the State Operations Emergency Warning Conference Call.
- Liaises directly with the Emergency Alert Operator to ensure the accuracy of Emergency Alerts.
Special Considerations
- At all times the SPIO shall maintain a log and ensure the timely inclusion of information into Incident Control Online (ICON).
Related Information
- Nil
Content Owner:
Communication Services
Date Approved:
05 Feb 2025
Review Required:
05 Feb 2028
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