Radio Communications - Phraseology
Standard Pro-Words
Letters and numbers should be transmitted using the standard phonetic process outlined below. Standard pro-words should be used when appropriate.
Standard Pro-Word | Description |
“Affirmative/Affirm” | Yes, correct. |
“All stations” | General call to all stations / units on a network. |
“Cancel” | Ignore my previous instruction or request. |
“Clear” | This is the end of my transmission. No reply is expected. |
“Clear to you” | Used by FireCom. End of my transmission to you, will now transmit to another call sign. |
“Confirm” | Verify this statement. |
“Copy” | Message received and understood. |
“Correction” | My last message was incorrect. The correct message is... |
“Disregard” | Ignore my previous statement or request. |
“ETA” | Estimated time of arrival. |
“ETD” | Estimated time of departure. |
“Figures” | The figures that follow are numbers (other than a grid, time, wind, etc). |
“Go ahead” | I am ready to receive your transmission. |
“Grid” | Numerical map grid reference to follow.. |
“I say again” | I am repeating my last transmission. |
“Incident call” | Report of a new incident requiring response. |
“More to follow” | If there is a need to transmit a long message and it needs to be broken down into segments. |
“Negative” | No, incorrect, permission not granted. |
“Nothing heard” | I have not received a reply. |
“Over” | Transmission is complete, reply expected. |
“Proceeding” | An appliance is proceeding under normal road conditions to an incident or activity. |
“Responding” | An appliance is responding under lights and siren to an incident. |
“Read back” | Please repeat back to me all or part of the message I just gave you. |
“Roger” | Message received and understood. |
“Say again” | Repeat your last transmission to me. |
“SitRep” | I am about to transmit a Situation Report to you. |
“Stand by” | I must pause. I will call you back when ready. |
Understood | Message understood. |
“Wilco” | Message received, understood and I will comply. |
Radio Checking Pro-Words
Plain language terms shall apply here with simple easy to understand words being used.
Term | Description |
Loud: | Your transmission is good and loud – strong signal and easily |
Weak: | Your transmission is low or weak – weak signal and just able to understand |
Clear: | Your speech is easy to understand |
Readable: | Your speech is understandable but just |
Unreadable: | We know you are there but cannot understand what you are saying – very poor signal and message not understood |
Nothing Heard: | We can’t hear you at all – no response or signal heard |
Numbered systems are not to be used as it is not understood by all operators across the Organisation. The following terms will, in most cases, suffice for reception reports:
Normally these words would be grouped in two parts, such as “Loud and Clear” or “Weak and Readable” or “Weak and Unreadable” or “Nothing Heard”.
Phonetic Numbers
When saying numbers on the radio, use the following. Pronunciation is exaggerated slightly:
Number | Word | Pronunciation |
0 | Zero | Zero |
1 | One | Wun |
2 | Two | Too |
3 | Three | TH-ree |
4 | Four | FOW-er |
5 | Five | Fi-ve |
6 | Six | Siks |
7 | Seven | Sev-en |
8 | Eight | Ate |
9 | Nine | Niner |
100 | Hundred | Hun-dred |
1000 | Thousand | TH-ousand |
Phonetic Alphabet
When saying letters on the radio, use the following. Pronunciation is exaggerated slightly:
Letter | Word | Pronunciation | Letter | Word | Pronunciation |
A | Alpha | AL-fah | N | November | No-VEM-ber |
B | Bravo | BRAH-vo | O | Oscar | OSS-kah |
C | Charlie | CHAR-lee | P | Papa | Pah-PAH |
D | Delta | DELL-tah | Q | Quebec | KEW-beck |
E | Echo | ECK-oh | R | Romeo | ROH-me-oh |
F | Foxtrot | Foks-trot | S | Sierra | See-AIR-ah |
G | Golf | Golf | T | Tango | TANG-go |
H | Hotel | HOT-tel | U | Uniform | You-nee-form |
I | India | In-dee-ah | V | Victor | VIK-tah |
J | Juliett | Jew-LEE-ett | W | Whiskey | WISS-kee |
K | Kilo | KEY-loh | X | X-Ray | Ecks-ray |
L | Lima | LEE-mah | Y | Yankee | YANG-key |
M | Mike | Mike | Z | Zulu | ZOO-loo |
Content Owner:
State Operations
Date Approved:
14 Sep 2024
Review Required:
14 Sep 2027
If you have any questions or feedback on Operational Doctrine, please email