Ventilation of Fires



This Operational Guideline covers the use of ventilation as an aid to firefighting in structures or at similar incidents.

Fundamental Protocols underpin the actions of all NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) members and must be adhered to at all times. They outline the Principles of being an RFS member and provide guidance on conduct to support the safety and wellbeing of members.

Guiding Principles

Ventilation involves making openings to release smoke and circulate air through a fire affected structure to improve safety and assist firefighting.

  • Ventilation may be used to:
    • Reduce the risk of backdraught and improve visibility for firefighters;
    • Improve survivability for trapped persons and assist rescue operations;
    • Help control the direction of travel and minimise the spread of fire;
    • Reduce damage caused by smoke and other fire products; and/or
    • Reduce or prevent potential or actual occurrence of flashover.
  • Ventilation may be either:
    • Horizontal – e.g., by opening doors/windows upwind and downwind of the fire.
    • Hydraulic – i.e., ventilation assisted by the use of a water fog spray.
    • Mechanical – i.e., ventilation assisted by fans (positive pressure ventilation (PPV) or negative pressure ventilation (NPV)).
    • Vertical – e.g., by opening roof vents or roof structure.
  • Ventilation is to be closely coordinated with other incident ground activities. When used to assist fire suppression, ventilation shall not be commenced until adequate hoseline/s are ready for firefighting in the area.

Special Considerations

  • Vertical ventilation may only be used when it does not involve firefighters needing to be positioned in a vulnerable area above the fire, e.g., remotely opening roof vents is permissible, but not cutting through roof structure when a fire is below.

Related Information

Content Owner: Area Operations
Date Approved: 26 Mar 2024
Review Required: 26 Mar 2027
Version: 1.0

Content Owner: Area Operations
Date Approved: 26 Mar 2024
Review Required: 26 Mar 2027
Version: 1.0

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