Marine Incidents



This Operational Guideline considers the procedures relating to marine incidents including fires and accidents involving small marine craft, marinas, navigation aids and associated facilities.

Fundamental Protocols underpin the actions of all NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) members and must be adhered to at all times. They outline the Principles of being an RFS member and provide guidance on conduct to support the safety and wellbeing of members.

Guiding Principles


  • If approaching by boat, if possible, approach to a safe attack distance from upwind, upswell/stream, keeping your bow pointed towards the incident; and
  • Remain clear of spilt fuel and hazardous debris.


  • Look out for victims on board or in the water; and
  • Direct initial firefighting to create a fire free/safe area in the vicinity of trapped persons and create a rescue path for them.


  • Small electrical or engine fire – use appropriate extinguisher (e.g., CO2);
  • Vessel fires - Lines tethering a vessel on fire in a marina may be cut to free the vessel, and the vessel moved to minimise damage and fire spread to adjoining vessels and exposures.
  • Large fire – use a 38mm line or equivalent. Consider use of foam if large amounts of fuel are involved; and
  • Treat fires in marinas like structure fires but expect flammable liquids to also be involved.

Overhaul and Other Operations

  • Support operations as needed with forcible entry, illumination, foam, water supply activities and other logistics as required.
  • Consider options to contain by-products from the incident travelling through waterways.

Special Considerations

Hazards and Precautions

  • Hazards may include fuel, fuel vapour in bilge spaces, gas cylinders, flares, and hazardous contents, and capsizing of vessel.
  • Precautions may include to:
    • Maintain look out, and approach and position appropriately;
    • Use appropriate tactics, procedures, and personal protective clothing and equipment (PPC/PPE) including against cross-infection where needed;
    • Make spillages safe (e.g., use of foam); and
    • Avoid excessive use of water or foam.

Related Information

  • Nil.

Content Owner: Area Operations
Date Approved: 26 Mar 2024
Review Required: 26 Mar 2027
Version: 1.0

Content Owner: Area Operations
Date Approved: 26 Mar 2024
Review Required: 26 Mar 2027
Version: 1.0

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