Issuing Orders



This Operational Guideline provides a framework for issuing orders at an incident.

Fundamental Protocols underpin the actions of all NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) members and must be adhered to at all times. They outline the Principles of being an RFS member and provide guidance on conduct to support the safety and wellbeing of members.

Guiding Principles

  • Use the SMEACS acronym, as described below.
  • For situations, such as detailing a specific task to firefighters, the orders might consist of only a couple of sentences. For large and complex situations, such as detailing the overall handling of a large incident, the orders may include a comprehensive and detailed briefing through an Incident Action Plan (IAP).
    • S - Situation – Describe what is happening now, and what is predicted into the future.

      Consider including the overall situation, the nature of the incident, any hazards, what’s at risk, the topography, current and expected fire behaviour, current and forecast weather, resources available and/or enroute, disposition of resources, and problems encountered.

    • M - Mission – Describe what needs to be achieved.

      Consider including your overall mission, specific objectives, who or what is saveable, where you want to stop the fire.

    • E - Execution – Describe how you want things done.

      Consider including how to execute the attack, strategies and/or tactics to be used and timing of activities.

    • A – Administration / Assistance – Describe how it will be supported.

      Consider including what logistical support is needed and/or will be provided for the attack (such as personnel, fuel, food, water, supplies, facilities), and where and/or when it will be needed/provided.

    • C – Command / Control / Communications – Describe how it will be coordinated.

      Consider including incident ground organisation (such as sectors), who is in charge, the chain of command, the communication channels, and procedures to be used.

    • S – Safety – Describe the safety considerations (including hazards, escape routes etc) on the incident ground.

Special Considerations

  • Nil.

Related Information

Content Owner: Area Operations
Date Approved: 26 Mar 2024
Review Required: 26 Mar 2027
Version: 1.0

Content Owner: Area Operations
Date Approved: 26 Mar 2024
Review Required: 26 Mar 2027
Version: 1.0

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