Emergency Procedures - Bush and Grass Fires



This Operational Guideline covers emergency procedures if a crew is threatened by bush, forest, grass and/or crop fires.

Fundamental Protocols underpin the actions of all NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) members and must be adhered to at all times. They outline the Principles of being an RFS member and provide guidance on conduct to support the safety and wellbeing of members.

Guiding Principles

  • The use of LACES may mitigate circumstances which lead to a crew being threatened by fire.
  • These procedures are considered a “last resort” and there is no guarantee they will be successful in preventing damage, injury, or death.

In/near Vehicles:

  • Activate emergency signals to warn everyone who may be in immediate danger. This may consist of repeated whistle blasts, intermittent blasts of siren, and/or tugging on hose lines.
  • Send an emergency radio message “Emergency, emergency, emergency, [vehicle call sign], in an over run situation at [X] location, [X] crew on board, [X] accounted for. Roof ID number [XXXX]”.
  • Ensure all firefighters are wearing full personal protective clothing and equipment (PPC/PPE), and that all PPC/PPE is correctly fastened and adjusted.
  • Park vehicle in an open space or burnt ground (if possible), close all vents and windows, and leave engine running.
  • Activate emergency lights and headlights.
  • Activate protective equipment (vehicle protection sprays and curtains).
  • Ensure all crew are sheltered under blankets, if available.
  • After the threat has passed, assess the situation:
    • If safe to do so, remain with the vehicle;
    • If the vehicle has become unsafe, remain together as a crew, and move to a safer location, (crew members are to take blankets with them, if available, for supplementary protection); and
    • Update FireCom of crew status, location, and condition.

On Foot/away from Vehicles:

  • Send an emergency radio message “Emergency, emergency, emergency, [call sign], in an over run situation at [X] location, [X] crew, [X] accounted for”.
  • Move to bare ground or the area of least vegetation.
  • Ensure all PPC/PPE is correctly fastened and adjusted.
  • Attempt to shelter in a depression or embankment, or behind other suitable shelter.

In a Structure:

  • Send an emergency radio message “Emergency, emergency, emergency, [call sign], in an over run situation at [X] location, [X] crew, [X] accounted for”.
  • Where time permits, turn off all electrical and gas mains/bottles.
  • Fill bath and sinks to create a water supply.
  • Ensure gutters are clear, then block downpipe and fill with water.
  • Close all doors and windows and seal gaps with towels or similar material.
  • If possible, have a battery powered radio and torch in working order.
  • Once the fire has passed, move outside, and extinguish any hot spots, and check the house for any signs of fire, especially the roof and under the house.

Special Considerations


Related Information


Content Owner: Area Operations
Date Approved: 26 Mar 2024
Review Required: 26 Mar 2027
Version: 1.0

Content Owner: Area Operations
Date Approved: 26 Mar 2024
Review Required: 26 Mar 2027
Version: 1.0

If you have any questions or feedback on Operational Doctrine, please email Ops.Performance@rfs.nsw.gov.au.