Aviation Incidents



This Operational Guideline considers the procedures relating to aviation incidents, including aircraft accidents and fires, fires in airports, and fires involving navigation equipment.

Fundamental Protocols underpin the actions of all NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) members and must be adhered to at all times. They outline the Principles of being an RFS member and provide guidance on conduct to support the safety and wellbeing of members.

Guiding Principles


  • Liaise with airport staff for guidance. If standing by for an abnormal landing, set up equipment ready for an immediate large foam attack supported by supplementary agents (e.g., extinguishing powder).
  • If possible, position so as not to obstruct others, upwind, uphill and within a safe striking distance of the incident.
  • Do not position in the line of fire of armaments or radar (combat aircraft).


  • Direct initial firefighting (usually using Class B foam) to create a fire free/safe area in the vicinity of trapped persons and create a rescue path for them.
  • Where first aid intervention is required, use standard precautions and request further medical assistance.


  • Small electrical or engine fire – use appropriate extinguisher or hose line.
  • Large fire – use foam, applied rapidly and extensively to the spilt fuel and any burning components (other aircraft parts do not normally need to be smothered). Magnesium components may need to be smothered with dry earth or sand.
  • Treat fires in airport buildings like structure fires but expect flammable liquids to also be involved.
  • Treat fires in radio navigation equipment like an electrical fire. Note that such equipment will have more than one power supply.


  • Leave the area as intact as possible for accident investigators. Make spillages safe and remove ignition sources.
  • You may remove people, animals, and mail from a crashed aircraft and move it if it is causing a hazard. Take photographs and record actions taken for investigators.

Other Operations

  • Support operations as needed with forcible entry, illumination, foam, water supply activities, and other logistics as required.
  • For members attending a Potentially Traumatic Event (PTE), consider engagement with the Mental Health Services Team and Critical Incident Support Services (CISS).

Special Considerations

Hazards and Precautions

  • Hazards may include propellers and rotors, other aircraft, dust, fuel, combustible metal or synthetic structure, hazardous cargo, radar emissions, oxygen cylinders, pyrotechnics, armaments, canopies, ejection seats, bodily fluids, etc.
  • Precautions may include to:
    • Liaise with aviation staff (airport staff, pilot/s, air traffic control, etc.);
    • Look out for and remain clear of runways and associated areas;
    • Remain clear of any radar, armament, canopy, ballistic parachute systems or ejection seat danger areas;
    • Use appropriate tactics, procedures, and personal protective clothing and equipment (PPC/PPE);
    • Make spillages safe (e.g., use of foam);
    • Preserve the incident site and avoid interfering with wreckage and controls; and/or
    • Depending on complexity, consider requesting Hazmat.
  • If a danger to the crew is identified, those in danger are to be warned immediately and the Officer in Charge (OIC) notified. Upon observing or being advised of danger to the crew, the OIC is to:
    • Activate emergency signals to warn everyone who may be in immediate danger. This may consist of repeated whistle blasts, intermittent blasts of siren, tugging on hose lines, and/or emergency radio message;
    • Advise crew of what action to take; and
    • Update FireCom of crew status, location, and condition.
  • Upon hearing an emergency signal, crew members are to evacuate the area of operations and report to their appliance.

Related Information

Content Owner: Area Operations
Date Approved: 26 Mar 2024
Review Required: 26 Mar 2027
Version: 1.0

Content Owner: Area Operations
Date Approved: 26 Mar 2024
Review Required: 26 Mar 2027
Version: 1.0

If you have any questions or feedback on Operational Doctrine, please email Ops.Performance@rfs.nsw.gov.au.