New Bush Fire Bulletin out now


This issue of the Bush Fire Bulletin wraps up of the 2014/15 fire season, examines some key leadership challenges and shows technologies taking bush firefighting into the future.

Cover of Vol 37 No 2Interstate deployments throughout Australia dominated the latter part of the 2014/15 fire season. NSW RFS volunteers travelled to Victoria, South Australia and for the first time, to Western Australia. This issue of the Bush Fire Bulletin wraps up of the 2014/15 fire season, including all the interstate deployments. Features also include a look at how to use Thermal Imaging Cameras and an innovative leadership program in the Lake George Zone. 

The Bush Fire Bulletin galvanises the NSW RFS volunteer community by acknowledging the great and small achievements of our volunteers. We publish stories about events, awards, Open Days and station openings. The Bush Fire Bulletin showcases the achievements, the heroism and the everyday goodwill that fuels the NSW RFS and keeps the largest volunteer bush firefighting agency in the world running.

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Contact Name: Jacqueline Murphy

Contact Phone: 8741 5480