Women with Flair workshops teaching bush fire survival skills
Published Date: 22 Nov 2014
Women spent two days at the weekend learning how to mentally and physically prepare themselves for a bush fire at the Women with Flair workshops.
Held at the Wongarbon Rural Fire Brigad Station on Friday and Saturday, the free workshop was designed for women with little or no fire experience who live in rural areas.

Sharon Balmer using a portable pump while Helena Patriarca, Ani Langbien, Heidy Steppat, Sue Lomax, Alison Oliven and Ann Myes supervise. Photo: GREG KEEN.
Heidy Steppat, who attended Women with Flair, said the workshop gave her the confidence to make decisions in a fire.
"Usually it's the men in the household who work the machinery, but after the workshop I would be able to strat the pump and the generator myself," she said.
"We've been earning how to protect our rural properties in case there's a fire heading our way and what we can do to protect our homes in a bush fire."
Ms Steppart said the hands-on demonstrations made the workshop fun as well as informative.
NSW RFS Orana Team Community Safety Officer Kennedy Tourle said the Dubbo workshop was the fifth held in the Orana region and aimed to provide basic fire awareness and knowledge.
"We're not telling them what to do in a bush fire. We're giving them the information to make an informed decision," she said.
The workshops also included information on how to look after your pets in fire, bush fire survival plans and acting on fire danger days.