Mid Lachlan brigades have attended 15 separate fires


The severe fire danger experienced across the Mid Lachlan Valley Team has seen our brigades attend 15 separate fires.

With the significant lighting across the area please lookout for new fires and report to 000 immediately.

Mid Lachlan fires

The Mid Lachlan Valley Team have had a very busy day today responding to numerous fires across our area.

These fires were due to the lightning activity we received this afternoon and into the evening. As we finish up for the night we have 11 fires all at patrol status or at least contained.

We would like to thank the volunteers, staff, pilots and heavy plant operators who put in long hours today to protect the community.

We would also like to thank the landowners and farmers who followed our recommendation to stop harvest and especially to those who got in and helped our brigades in the field.

We will be working hard over the next few days to prepare for rise in fire danger over the coming days.