Fire Note 121 – We all view our surroundings differently‏


Many rural/urban landscapes, while a fire risk, are beautiful. In many cases this beauty is the reason why people choose to live in these areas, despite the risk.

This pilot research project applied the process of 'place mapping', a new approach for fire and land management agencies, to gain a better understanding of how communities in rural/urban areas perceive native vegetation in the context of their landscape.

Examples include assisting agencies to understand why communities might oppose fuel reduction burning, and why they may not undertake fire mitigation measures that are encouraged by agencies.

Results showed the place mapping process can provide community members with a mechanism through which to communicate their perspectives on the landscape.

It further showed place mapping is an additional tool fire and land management agencies can use to better work with communities to take action to reduce bushfire risk.

Download  Fire Note 121 – We all view our surroundings differently