Report a cigarette butt tosser

Throwing lit cigarette butts from cars and trucks is dangerous. Cigarettes can start bush and grass fires, and place lives at risk. It's also bad for the environment.

There are heavy penalties for people caught throwing lit cigarette butts from vehicles, especially on days of Total Fire Ban.

You can do your bit by reporting people who throw lit cigarette butts from vehicles.

How can I report a cigarette butt 'tosser'?

If you see a vehicle where a lit cigarette butt has been improperly disposed, you can report the vehicle to the NSW RFS simply by filling out the details below.

Some of the information we will need includes location, date & time, vehicle registration plate details and description of the vehicle. We will also need your contact details as anonymous reports are not accepted.

Alternatively you can call 1800 679 737 and leave a message and an officer will make contact.

If the cigarette butt isn't lit, the person may still be subject to action for littering. You can make a littering complaint through the Environment Protection Authority.

What happens when I make a report?

We will use the information you provide to confirm the vehicle details and whether an offence has been committed.

The NSW RFS may issue an advisory letter or penalty notice to the registered owner of the vehicle.

Where a disposed cigarette butt has caused a fire, this information may be provided to NSW RFS fire investigators and NSW Police Force for further investigation.

In these instances, penalty notices may be issued or court action commenced.

What are the penalties?

There are heavy penalties for discarding a lit cigarette from a vehicle.

Fines of $660 and up to $5,500 can apply.

If a motorist commits the offence during a total fire ban, fines of up to $11,000 can apply.

Penalties also apply to passengers.

If you're making a report – safety first

Remember – you may be breaking the law yourself if you use a mobile phone to report a cigarette butt being thrown from a vehicle. Wait until you come to a complete stop to make a report.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Please provide:
Your details
Vehicle details
Incident details

Reports must be made within 14 days of the incident occurring

Date of observation: *

Time of observation: *

By clicking submit, I declare the information provided in this form is true and accurate.

I acknowledge that it is an offence to make a report using false information.
If I do so, action may be taken against me by NSW Police.
