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Cowra Toyota NSW RFS commendation
Published Date: 24 Jun 2016
NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS), Senior Assistant Commissioner Bruce McDonald, acknowledged the support of employers with Special Commendations on June 22.
The NSW RFS Supportive Employers Program recognises businesses who grant volunteers leave to attend emergency incidents during work hours without financial disadvantage.

Cowra Toyota's Kelly and Ron Hattenfels were awarded a special commendation by Senior Assistant Commissioner Bruce McDonald for their involvement in the NSW RFS Supportive Employers Program.
“The businesses receiving Special Commendations have gone above and beyond with their support, not only releasing employees for volunteer duties but also implementing measures such as specialised leave or promoting volunteering achievements.”
“Having staff called away, sometimes for extended periods, puts pressure on workplace productivity. Just like the volunteers who jump on trucks, operate radios, employers who support volunteers make a very direct contribution to firefighting efforts in NSW.”
“Volunteers dedicate their time to protecting communities across the State and this couldn’t happen without supportive employers,” he said.