2013 photo and video gallery

Roseberg hazard reduction burn

 HR Burn at Roseberg by State Forest with support from Neville, Lyndhurst, and The Gap, brigades.

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Millthorpe TFT Ground Monitor

Millthorpe brigade has recently purchased a TFT Blitzfire 65mm portable ground monitor with safety valve model XXC-32.

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Volunteer Numbers Increase

The Canobolas Zone of the NSW Rural Fire Service is one of many areas which has seen a major increase in the number of volunteers following the last bush fire season.

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March shed construction May 2013

By Cathy BowdenAs you can see the station is coming along nicely.

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The following are photos of the village fire fighters course which took place at the Field Days site.

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Residents playing with fire

Central Western Daily  By NADINE MORTONIN the last 38 days fire crews have been called out to 30 fires prompting a reminder to residents to be more vigilant when burning off.

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Tom Nolles receives award

Five of our Australia Day AFSM members were presented their medals at this mornings Investiture Ceremony. Errol Smith, Pat Smith, Tom Nolles, (centre) Barrie Hewitt and Lindsay Henley, along with their families have enjoyed a lovely morning. Congratulations again all!

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Clifton Grove Hazard Reduction

This HR was to reduce ground fuels over a 400ha area. Local brigades attended the burn over the weekend. As you can see the ground fuels burnt well. Smoke was quite visible to residents in Orange and surrounding areas.

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March Station is coming along nicely. Electrical fit out has commenced.

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Goobang National Park Hazard Reductions

National Parks crews, with some assistance from local RFS have spent the past week conducting fuel reduction burning within the northern section of the Goobang National Park.

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