2013 photo and video gallery

Merriganowry RFS Brigade Shed Construction

The following photos are of the  Merriganowry RFS Brigade Shed Construction

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March/Clergate Brigade Shed

The following photos are of the March/Clergate Rural Fire Brigade Shed construction, taken in early August 2013.

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Stuart in the heavyweight fight for life

Central Western Daily By NADINE MORTONTHE magic number for Stuart Clarke is 95. At 95 kilograms he will finally be put on the organ transplant list to receive a kidney that will save his life.

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New recruits boost service

Central Western Daily By NADINE MORTONYOUNG people are the future of the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) and an information session on Tuesday hopes to attract even more.

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Working together to save lives

Central Western Daily  By NADINE MORTONTEAM work is vital in dealing with major fires like the Coonabarabran bushfire in January.

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Stuart Clarke Appeal log cutting

Central Western Daily  By NADINE MORTONSWEAT, grit and determination by volunteer firefighters has gone into helping a mate in his time of need.

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Hobbys Yards MVA

Rural Fire Brigade crews attended an accident Between Barry and Hobbys Yards  at 9.45am on Tuesday 2nd July 2013.

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Region West meets Region East

A delegation of Group Officers from Region West visited Region East in June 2013. The delegation visited a number of Districts in Region East, finishing their tour at Katoomba.

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March shed construction June 2013

The following are photos of the March Shed construction towards completion.

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Barryrenie Station Building June 2013

The following photos are of the Barryrenie station building project.

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