Latest News

New 40 km/hour Speed Zone rules

The NSW Government has introduced 40 kilometre an hour speed zone rules which will commence from September 1st 2018.

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Bush Fire Danger Period end March 31st

As we come up to the Easter holidays it is timely we remind you that it is also the end of the Bush Fire Danger Period.

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Emergency Training Exercise: Crisis at Dubbo airport

Dubbo emergency services were tested on their skills and reactions on Saturday night in a crisis scenario.

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Richmond Estate Fire

On the 21st of March 2018 both NSWRFS and FRNSW were responded to a structure fire a Richmond Estate.

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Red Balloon Day

Bush fire survival plans remain vital even though summer has passed, Dubbo residents are being reminded.

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Critical Incident Support Service presentation

There has been a good number of RFS volunteers  turn up at the Dubbo Fire Control Center to hear a presentation on Critical Incident Support Service .

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The Large air tanker uses Dubbo as a base

The Hercules Large Air Tanker used Dubbo as a base for the Mt Canobolas Bushfire, near Orange.

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Captain Carole Bayley from Wongarbon story

A great story on ABC TV about volunteer firefighter Captain Carole Bayley from Wongarbon Rural Fire Brigade (located between Dubbo and Wellington).

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January 2018 fire statistics

Firefighters across NSW have been busy over the past month. With at least two months still left of the bush fire season it's important we all remain vigilant and prepared.

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Peter James Wykes receives Australian Fire Service Medal

Peter James Wykes from the Orana area has been awarded the Australian Fire Service Medal.

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