Dangerous fire conditions forecast for Tuesday 12 November


Severe fire danger is now forecast for the Lower Central West Plains area, including the Orana fire district on Tuesday 12 November 2019, due to worsening weather conditions.

See Media Release

High temperatures, strong winds and low humidity are forecast, making conditions dangerous.

Catastrophic is the highest level of bush fire danger. Homes are not designed to withstand a fire under these conditions.

If a fire starts and takes hold during Catastrophic fire danger conditions, lives and homes will be at risk.

Fire Danger rating for 12-11-2019

Advice for people in areas of Catastrophic fire danger include:

Avoid bush fire prone areas. A safer area may be a large town or city, shopping centres or facilities well away from bushland areas.

Schools in identified high risk areas will be closed. Schools will notify affected students. Start making arrangements now.

If you are unable to leave, identify a safe location which may be nearby. This may include a Neighbourhood Safer Place.

Large areas of the state are also forecast to experience Severe and Extreme fire danger. This includes in the north coast and northern NSW areas, where there is a large number of fires already burning. These fires will not be contained in time and will threaten lives and properties.

Based on latest forecasts from the Bureau of Meteorology, the following fire danger ratings are expected on Tuesday. These are subject to change as forecasts are updated:

Catastrophic – Greater Sydney and Greater Hunter (including the Blue Mountains and Central Coast areas)

Extreme – North Coast, Illawarra/Shoalhaven, Central Ranges, Northern Slopes and North Western

Severe – Far North Coast, New England, Far South Coast, Southern Ranges, Lower Central West Plains

Fire advisory

This is the first time since new Fire Danger Ratings were introduced in 2009 that Catastrophic fire danger has been forecast for Sydney.

A statewide total fire ban has been declared for all areas of NSW for all of Monday and Tuesday.