2013 photo and video gallery

Tip fire contained

 A fire that started at the Parkes tip this afternoon was quickly contained by the tip operator and the Rural Fire Service.

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Television coverage of Wambelong Fire, Coonabarabran 17-1-2013

The prime minister visited the Warrumbungles Bush Fire ground on the 17-1-2013 to see first hand the damage.

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Larras Lee airstrip provides assistance

The Larras Lee air strip has been put through its first test providing major assistance to a fire near Cumnock.

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Television Fire Coverage 14-1-2013

A number of fires burnt in the Central west of NSW over the weekend of 12th and 13th of January. The largest fire was in the Warrumbungle National Park, with other blazes near Woodstock, Eugowra and Dubbo.

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Inland fire warning

Inland parts of the state have been warned to prepare for further dangerous fire conditions.

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Prime TV fire coverage 11-1-2013

View the bush fire coverage from Friday 11-1-2013 on Prime TV.

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Bush Fire Media Coverage 9-1-2013

Below are the stories from the WIN Newsroom and Prime TV Newsroom from inland NSW on 9-1-2013.

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Bush Fire Media Coverage 8-1-2013

Fire Authorities have battled to control around 150 bush fires across the state on Tuesday 8th January 2013.View the media coverage across Central NSW.

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Bogan Gate Fires

A fire near Bogan Gate yesterday afternoon was brought under control over night and the alert level downgraded to advice.

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Worst fire conditions in decades to hit NSW

View the ABC Television coverage of the preparations for what could be one of the worst fire days in recent history. See the media release below.

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