2015 photo and video gallery

Packsaddle Roadhouse emergency management exercise

 Members of the NSW RFS Far West Team traveled to the Packsaddle Roadhouse to participate in an emergency management exercise.

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Wilcannia Field Day

The RFS Far West Team set up a stand at the Wilcannia Field Days.

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Bravery‏ awards for Far West members

 At the Awards Ceremony on 4 May 2015, 21 individual and seven group recipients are to be acknowledged by the Commissioner. Drawn from the Service's Regions and Headquarters these recipients are presented with Awards in recognition of outstanding bravery or service. The fourth of May is chosen each year for the Awards Ceremony as it is the Feast Day of St Florian, Patron Saint of Firefighters and International Firefighters' Day.

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Far West Anzac Day‏

The Far West NSW Rural Fire Service members participated in ANZAC Day marches and services across the region.

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Bourke First Aid Training

 Bourke FCC conducting First Aid training for the Barwon Darling Zone Brigades.

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Silverton and Barrier Range First Aid Training

 Today it was first aid. Volunteers from Silverton and Barrier Range Brigades got together to complete first aid training at Silverton shed.

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Trifire gas props training

Training today at Silverton west of Broken Hill. Volunteers revisiting skills and learning new ones. We also tested out our new Trifire gas props. Worked a treat!!

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Far West News 24

 Launching Far West News 24! Stay tuned for lots of exciting updates from the staff and volunteers from the Far West Team

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Senior's Week

 Chris Favelle (Team Manager Far West) & Ros Turton (Cobar HQ Brigade) attended a Senior's Week fun day and BBQ in Drummond Park on Sunday morning.

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Vehicle & Structural Grasslands workshops

 Today we were at Topar Roadhouse doing another VSG workshop with our vollies from Little Topar Brigade.

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