Hazard Reduction Postponed for Monday 30th and Tuesday 31st March 2015


Due to damp conditions the two Hazard Reduction burns for this week have been postponed to a dater

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service was to conduct two Hazard Reduction burns in the Queen Victoria South and Mat Hay Range East areas of the Blue Mountains.

The burns were to take place at the following locations:

Name:                  Queen Victoria South

Location:              approx 6km south of Wentworth Falls and Bullaburra, east of Tableland Road

Size:                       800 ha

Lead Agency:     National Parks and Wildlife Service

Name:                  Mt Hay Range

Location:              approx 2km north of Wentworth Falls and east Mt Hay Road

Size:                       3115 ha

Lead Agency:     National Parks and Wildlife Service

We will inform you when the burns will take place.